Episode 2: The 1919 DC Racial Pogrom and The Other Tradition
We tell the story of how Carrie Minor Johnson grew up in Washington DC where the Other Tradition saved her and the city from the Racial Pogrom of 1919: Carrie Minor Johnson's Childhood on G Street (3:06), First Integrated US Baha'i Gathering on G Street in 1910 (4:36), 1919 DC Racial Pogrom reaches Carrie Minor Johnson (5:25), African American Carrie Minor Johnson partners with European American Federal Judge Siddons to be save her life (8:25), The DC Baha'i Community's 110 year experience with the Other Tradition (9:38), Mr. Louis George Gregory exemplar of the Other Tradition (14:39), The DC Baha'i Community responds to the 1919 Racial Pogrom (20:02).
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