Other Tradition

Other Tradition

About this podcast

In his 1993 book Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, Dr. Richard Thomas, professor emeritus of history at Michigan State University, pioneers the race relations concept of the “other tradition,” which explains that the lasting advances in American race relations are the result of close, multiracial collaboration. Dr. Richard Thomas and Lex Musta use this podcast to further explore the other tradition to encourage our listeners to work for progress in race relations multiracially.

This podcast is produced by

Lex Musta & Dr. Richard Thomas


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About this podcast

In his 1993 book Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, Dr. Richard Thomas, professor emeritus of history at Michigan State University, pioneers the race relations concept of the “other tradition,” which explains that the lasting advances in American race relations are the result of close, multiracial collaboration. Dr. Richard Thomas and Lex Musta use this podcast to further explore the other tradition to encourage our listeners to work for progress in race relations multiracially.

by Lex Musta & Dr. Richard Thomas


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